Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Diana Al-Hadid

Two Describing Words: Relationship with Unity and Architecture Space

Artwork #1: "Nolli's Orders" 

Nolli's Orders 
Diana Al-Hadid 
Steel, Fiberglass, Wood, Foam 
156" x 264" x 228"

Element Principle: Intricate Structure/Shape 

In this piece Diana Al-Hadid uses many layers and forms by utilizing steel, fiberglass, wood, foam, plaster, etc. The intricacy in this piece is shown through the asymmetry and symmetry in her structures. All of the different shapes and forms in this piece have their own unique arrangement within the structure, but the directional flow of the whole piece are noticably very strategic and intricately chosen. 

Artwork #2: "Mother Splits The Moon" 

Mother Splits The Moon 
Diana Al-Hadid 
Concrete, Steel, Fiberglass, Chicken Wire, Paint
115" x 55" x 50"

Element Principle: Contrast 

In this piece Diana Al-Hadid utilizes contrast through the different shapes and elements. Starting from the top with the sharp flowing lines down, smoothness as you get more near the bottom, and fragmented edges to round it all out. She created this beauty by utilizing chicken wire, paint, plaster, fiberglass, concrete, steel, etc. 



Actual Texture 
Alberto Giacometti 
49.8" x 27" x 27"

Actual Texture 
Personal Photo 
Oil Paint
18" x 24"


God Watches but Does Nothing 
Norman Barney
Mixed Media
29" x 29"

A View From the Easel 
Katerina Papazissi

CIMENTO Collection
Patricia Urquiola
Varying Sizes 

Fierce Mild 
By The Public House




A few of my favorite things image 

1. Crochet Hook: I love crocheting and have been devoting a lot of my time to crocheting since I was 6. It is such a beautiful and calming hobby that I enjoy. My grandma on my dads side and my nanny on my moms side both taught me very young how to crochet, sew, knit, etc. 

2. Phantom Smoky Quartz Crystal: I have always had a strong love for crystals since I was little. I have crystals all over my apartment, car, body, and loved things. This crystal in particular is very special looking and feeling to me. 

3: The Dark Side of the Moon CD: I love a lot of different types of music across the spectrum, but this album especially is one of my top favorites. My dad played it for me when I was very very little and it has just stuck with me ever since. My very close friend and coworker, Ann, gave this CD to me for my birthday last month! She told me about how many times she saw Pink Floyd and how a ticket for a day to go to Woodstock was only $6! Ann is very close to me, she is very wise, and she is 70 years old. We hangout atleast once a week to catch up, share stories with each other, and to help her around the house:)

4: Heart-Shaped Cat Frame: I LOVE my cat Orion she means the whole world to me. She is a bit over 2 years old, but it feels like I have known and had her by my side for forever. The picture in the frame is from when she got fixed and had to wear a cone, which she did not enjoy. Orion is all fluffy and black, BUT she is brown in the sun. She is so perfect. 

5. Tomato Clip: I have a set of 4 vegetable clips around my kitchen: tomato, parsnip, snap peas, and corn. I love funky little trinkets a lot. I have many little trinkets my friends have bought for me throughout the years. The vegetable clip set was one of the gifts from an anniversary gift from my boyfriend. 

6. Black Candle Waxed Journal: This journal is very special to me. It is my spiritual journal from last year. Last year I grew a lot and that journal holds a lot of my close to heart stories. The wax on top of the journal is from the candles I would have lit while writing, after I was finished writing I would pour the wax on top of the journal to solidify it all. 


Diana Al-Hadid Two Describing Words: Relationship with...